Kahayya Village, Sulawesi 250g

Kahayya Village, Sulawesi 250g


Village: Kahayya

Origin: South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Process-type: Washed

Varietals: Typica & Line-S

Cup: Honey, Coffee Cake, Sweetened Condensed Milk, Lime

This lot is made up of small lots from farmers in the village of Kahayya. The village is in the South Sulawesi province on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The island sits just to the east of Borneo. It is a rugged and mountainous island with a long history of coffee that stretches back to Dutch colonizers.

There are a lot of very old coffee trees in this area. Some are claimed to be over 100 years old. Growing altitudes range from 1400 to 1700 meters above sea level. Farmers are planted in Typica and Line-S varietals. Line-S was created by crossing the Kent cultivar (a natural mutation of Typica) with a natural hybrid of Arabica and Liberica. Farmers in the area also grow cacao, clove, and pepper vines.

The cup is very nice. It is on the bolder side, slightly rustic, bodied, great sweetness, and vibrant acidity.

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