Yanatile, Peru 250g

Yanatile, Peru 250g


Community: Yanatile

Origin: Cusco, Peru

Process-type: Washed

Varietal: Bourbon & Typica

Cup: Balanced, Toasted Almonds, Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Apple

This coffee comes from the lush and fertile valleys of Yanatile, Peru. The area enjoys a subtropical climate perfect for growing coffee. Located in the middle of the Andes, it can be very difficult to get from town to town in this region and few farms haves access to roads.

Farms in the area are smaller, about 1-2 hectares. Interesting, unlike most places, farmers do not live on their farms here. It is common for people to have to walk several hours from their homes to their farms. Coffee is processed closer to home, so farmers carry freshly harvested coffee to shared processing areas. Farmers here practice Ayni, an ancient Inca custom of communal sharing.

After harvest, coffee is fermented for 36 to 46 hours in water, and then dried for 15 to 20 days. Farmers in the area know that slow and even drying is critical for high quality preparation.

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